Accession PMDE191
Name Experimental infections of the reservoir species Peromyscus leucopus with diverse strains of Borrelia burgdorferi, a Lyme disease agent
Description We constructed a protein microarray displaying 23 natural variants of OspC and quantified the degree of cross-reactive antibody binding between all pairs of variants, using Pearson correlation calculated on the reactivity values using three independent transforms of the raw data.
Publication Experimental infections of the reservoir species Peromyscus leucopus with diverse strains of Borrelia burgdorferi, a Lyme disease agent (Go to PubMed)
Provider Elisabeth Baum
Species Multi species
Subspecies Empty
Array type Proteome array
Sample Serum
Number of array 1
Array(1) OspC Protein Microarray
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Analysis report No relevant analysis report. If you want to analyse this data, please contact us.
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